
Author's Guidelines

Submission Guideline & Format:
  • Full paper word limit: Preferrably Review Article - 5000 words, Research Article - 3000 words, Shorter Contribution - 2000 words
  • Grammar & Spelling: Please follow English (India)
  • File format for manuscript submission: MS-Word (.doc or .docx format)
  • Paper size: A4
  • Margin: 1 inch on each side
  • Font Family: Times New Roman
  • Title Font Size: 24pt
  • Author(s) name - font size: 11pt, Bold
  • Author(s) affiliation, designation, ORCID ID (if available), email - font size: 10pt, Italic
  • Abstract word limit: 200 words
  • Abstract font size: 9pt, Italic
  • Keywords: Provide 5-8 keywords, which will be used for indexing purpose; font size: 9pt. Italic
  • Heading font size: 12pt, Bold
  • Sub-heading font size: 11pt, Bold
  • Main body of the article: 11pt
  • Main body of the article: One column-text with tables and figures placed at proper places
  • Line Spacing - 1.15
  • Tables and Figures must have a caption written on the bottom of the table or figure. All figures must be of good quality and numbered in order of their occurrences in the text.
    All borrowed ideas, quotations etc. should be cited and acknowledged properly
  • Reference font size - 10pt
  • Appendices: Should be identified as A, B, etc.
  • Corresponding author should be indicated with (*) mark
  • Medium of Language: English
  • Acknowledgements of people, grants, finances, etc. should be listed in a distinct section at the end of the Reference section. The complete names of the funding organisations must be included, if any.
  • Citation in Text
  • Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets., e.g., [1], [3-5, 8] OR as (Author/s last name, year)

  • Footnotes
  • Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively.

Reference Style Example
Journal Article

Jon, S.J. & Dug, K. Knowledge art: How to capture without killing it. Harvard Business Rev., 2000, 78(3), 73-80.

Majumbhar, Sajal. Academic institutions' responses to the emerging trends in Blended Learning. DESIDOC J. of Lib. & Inf. Tech., 2014, 34(6), 477-485. http://publications.drd.branwave.in/ojs/index.php/dlit/article/view/6878/4701 (accessed on 5 December 2014).

Book / Monograph

Gupta, Dilip K. A focus on consumers: Imperative for managing quality services. In Delivering service quality: Managerial challenges, edited by Z. Rahaman & V. Bansal. Macmillan, New Delhi, 2000, 401-406.

Conference Paper

Jones, Sarah & Lau, Joffrey. Mathematics in product evaluation. In 19th International MALIBER 2015: Innovative Leadership: Adapting to Modern Realities, 2-4 March 2019, Manali, HP. 2019. pp. 2-10. http://ir.inflit.net.in/bitstream/194/141/1/32.pdf (accessed on 15 April 2020)


Bhusan, John; Siddlare, Giles; Pomison, Gleen A. & John, Rob. Strategy, process, and organization for evaluation systems. National Product Research Institute, WAND, India, 2000. WAND-MR-1098-0SD


Bureau of Indian Standards. Quality management and quality assurance standards, Part 3: Guidelines for the application of 180 9001:1994 to the development, supply, installation and maintenance of computer software (first revision). BIS, New Delhi, 1999. 30 p. 8/IS0: 9000-3 (Part 3)-1999.


Dutta, Nandini. Changing ethos of library service in the new environment: A study of select special libraries in Delhi. University of Delhi. 2012. PhD Thesis. 372p. URI: http://hd.hande.net/10603/28343


Author's last name, first name “Articles.” Website title, Publisher, Publication date, URL.

Review Process
  • Three categories of papers, viz., Review Articles, Original Contributions and Shorter Contributions will be considered by the Journal for publication.
  • The submitted manuscript must not have been previously accepted for publication or under review elsewhere. The submission of the manuscript will be acknowledged by email.
  • Each manuscript will be primarily examined by the editorial team and then to be forwarded to the reviewers for peer review.
  • The research papers shall be published subject to recommendation of the reviewers. The novelty of the manuscript will be taken into consideration in the context of acceptance.
  • The status of the paper after review will be communicated to the corresponding author by email.
  • Plagiarism Checking Software: Ouriginal
Article Processing Charges
  • NIL. We do not charge any money to the author during any of the stages of publication or for publication.
Manuscript Submission Process:

Please submit in .doc/ .docx format your paper to the following Journal email ID: