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Jon, S.J. & Dug, K. Knowledge art: How to capture without killing it. Harvard Business Rev., 2000, 78(3), 73-80.
Majumbhar, Sajal. Academic institutions' responses to the emerging trends in Blended Learning. DESIDOC J. of Lib. & Inf. Tech., 2014, 34(6), 477-485. (accessed on 5 December 2014).
Gupta, Dilip K. A focus on consumers: Imperative for managing quality services. In Delivering service quality: Managerial challenges, edited by Z. Rahaman & V. Bansal. Macmillan, New Delhi, 2000, 401-406.
Jones, Sarah & Lau, Joffrey. Mathematics in product evaluation. In 19th International MALIBER 2015: Innovative Leadership: Adapting to Modern Realities, 2-4 March 2019, Manali, HP. 2019. pp. 2-10. (accessed on 15 April 2020)
Bhusan, John; Siddlare, Giles; Pomison, Gleen A. & John, Rob. Strategy, process, and organization for evaluation systems. National Product Research Institute, WAND, India, 2000. WAND-MR-1098-0SD
Bureau of Indian Standards. Quality management and quality assurance standards, Part 3: Guidelines for the application of 180 9001:1994 to the development, supply, installation and maintenance of computer software (first revision). BIS, New Delhi, 1999. 30 p. 8/IS0: 9000-3 (Part 3)-1999.
Dutta, Nandini. Changing ethos of library service in the new environment: A study of select special libraries in Delhi. University of Delhi. 2012. PhD Thesis. 372p. URI:
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