
Safer Internet Day celebrated with the housekeeping staff of the university

Safer Internet Day celebrated with the housekeeping staff

In recent years, internet has received various negative news coverage. The online financial scam has been a cause of concern for internet users. A Delhi-based market research company has revealed that 74% of the people who experienced banking-related fraud, never recovered the money they lost.

On February 8, 2023, the departments of Computational Science, Cyber Science and Technology in collaboration NSS team organised an awareness camp on 'Safer Internet Day' for the housekeeping staff. Spending time on the internet is a common factor that binds people from all strata of society. In this regard, an awareness of safe internet practices is of utmost importance. The students also made a short film on how to avoid internet-related scams. A presentation on the DOs and DON'Ts of internet usage were also presented before the housekeeping staff. To generate awareness uniquely, a quiz competition was also organised with the housekeeping staff.

The students of Brainware University are always committed towards strengthening the commitment to online safety in India. On 'Safer Internet Day', the students of our university were not only restricted in the university campus, a group of students visited the local inhabitants around the neighbourhood and explained them about cyber scams and frauds. They also explained how to deal with a situation if one falls a prey to any cyber attacks!